About Us - Tricks Magical About Us - Tricks Magical
Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

About Us

Tricks Magical is a web site that shares tips and tricks on computers. Website was established in 2018 when I was a student. The tips, tricks are the experiences in my learning process. Looking forward to your comments, exchanges.

The blog is suitable for everyone, especially those who work on techniques. Blog is now operated and developed by Khanh Nguyen.

Operation objectives

The main goal of the blog is to share the knowledge of computers. My tips and tricks and work experience. Look forward to your contribution.

Performance criteria

Magical Tricks always work with the following criteria:

  • FREE. The content is free
  • Fast, continuous content updates.
  • Always welcome the feedback of readers.


Tricks Magical has a comment box right under the article, communicating with the public form. Readers do not comment on sensitive, vulgar words.


Tricks Magical uses Banner advertising to generate income. Ads are placed in the right place, do not bother readers.

Social Network

Blogs use Facebook Fanpage as a live channel with friends on Facebook. Here will post information, articles on the new posts on the Blog.
